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5 Reasons You Won’t Want to Miss the New PhREI Conference!

It’s the New Year. And I am super excited to announce that the PhREI Conference will be launching in just a few weeks!

The PhREI conference is a new virtual conference that I will be hosting along with my fellow PhREI Network (Physicians in Real Estate Investing) partners, Ian Cook of Carpe Diem MD and Danial Shin of The Darwinian Doctor.

phrei conference

Is the PhREI Conference for you?

Are you looking to start building wealth this year? Interested in learning about how physicians can successfully invest in real estate? Want to reach financial freedom to practice medicine on your terms?

I’m going to say that the answers to these questions should be a resounding yes! I think all physicians can be successful real estate investors. Even if you don’t believe this, there’s no harm in some free education (more on this later!).

In fact, when I first learned about real estate, I had a major limiting belief. I thought that there was no way a physician could or should invest in real estate.

Certainly I couldn’t do it…

Fast forward 1 year and I own 3 rental properties putting thousands in my pocket each month and that have increased my net worth by hundreds of thousands of dollars. And I did all this as a full-time surgeon!

Reason #1: The goal of this conference is to teach you the skills to be just as successful!

Want to learn more about the PhREI Conference?

Reason #2: The PhREI conference features 20+ real physician investors sharing their real, authentic, and (most importantly) actionable stories and strategies to get started and thrive in real estate.

Reason #3: The topics covered include:

  • Long-term rental investing, 
  • Short-term rental investing, syndications, and
  • Industries that support these investment strategies

I want to emphasize that everyone we interview and that will be teaching you in either a real, live physician or someone who supports physicians successfully in real estate.

It was so important to us in planning this conference that it be completely, 100% authentic and present the hard truths – both good and bad – involved in being a physician real estate investor.

This way, you can truly learn what it takes to be successful, develop an investing plan that fits you, and start accelerating your path to financial freedom!

Ok, now here’s the important information!

  • The conference will take place over three days from Friday January 21 through Sunday January 23, 2022
  • Interviews with leading Physician Real Estate Investors and industry experts will be available in the Facebook group and the conference site for 7 days
  • Access is FREE (Reason #4)
  • In addition, FREE access members will be invited to Live Q and A sessions for each day of the conference…
  • Reason #5! Meanwhile, VIP members ($100) will additionally receive:
    • 6 months of on-demand access to the course content and
    • Gain access to special networking sessions with Real Estate Insiders from the conference

Ok, let’s be honest…I could have come up with a lot more than just 5 reasons here!

But you get the point…

This conference is going to be awesome!

So, if one of your New Year’s resolutions is to learn about real estate investing and how it can accelerate your wealth building as a physician, this is the conference for you!

You can sign up using the links below!

Sign up for FREE access here!


Upgrade to VIP Access for just $100 here!

On behalf of Ian, Dan, and myself, we are so excited for this conference and know that you will love it as well.

Can’t wait to see you there!

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    The Prudent Plastic Surgeon

    Jordan Frey MD, a plastic surgeon in Buffalo, NY, is one of the fastest-growing physician finance bloggers in the world. See how he went from financially clueless to increasing his net worth by $1M in 1 year and how you can do the same! Feel free to send Jordan a message at [email protected].

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