Business Start-Up and Business Support

Answer simple questions online, get paid in cash or, if you prefer, in gift cards.

At The Prudent Plastic Surgeon, my goal is to help you navigate your financial well-being. This includes referring you to goods or services that I believe in, like access to real estate investment opportunities.

To do this, many of the products and services featured here and through the site may be from our affiliates and partners. Sometimes this means that I get paid when you use their services, at no extra cost to you.

I only will ever recommend financial resources that I have personally used or have vetted extensively and would choose to use myself!

SimpliMD/Doctor Incorporated

Micro-Business Set Up and Operation

Today’s physicians are starting to re-discover the many benefits of individual incorporation. The newer micro-version allows you as an individual doctor to wrap yourself in a professional corporation. The small business envelope allows you to parse out your professional services in a host of ways, including within the safe harbor of traditional employment. The advantages include greater preservation of your professional autonomy while also allowing you to tap into the numerous tax advantages available to small businesses.  

SimpliMD is a physician-led organization that specializes in helping physicians form their individual corporation and then using it within various job structures including employment within a partnership, and both small & large corporations via what is called an “employment lite”. Here you can both operate and run your individual PC while being employed as a contractor. It’s the best of both worlds!  Check out our case study looking at a traditional W-2 employee versus a SimpliMD employment lite model.

Take the first step by letting them help set up your PC.

SimpliMD will allow you to hit the ‘simple” button in your small business setup and operation through a dedicated and experienced team of professionals who are familiar with doctors and know how to meet your accounting, tax, payroll, legal, and wealth management needs.

Dr. Inc Content

Sign up here to join the Dr. Inc. mailing list where our content will inspire and inform you about the many benefits of incorporating yourself as a doctor.

Dr. Inc is your physician-centric small business media source dedicated to creating resources that support and inform you about your built-in small business power. Let us show you how incorporation will help both improve your financial position as well as enhance your well-being.

Contact Info:

Tod Stillson MD
[email protected]

Dr. Incorporated