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How to Grow A Healthy Relationship with Money

Recently, Selenid and I were on the Medicine, Marriage, and Money podcast with Dr. Kate Mangona. It was an awesome experience! If you have not checked out this podcast, I highly recommend it. She has great guests, is an incredible host, and knows a thing or two about martial interdependence as she is married to another physician in the finance sphere, Victor Mangona. During every episode, there is a focus on medicine, marriage, and yes, money. Our episode focused on our process of growing a healthy relationship with money.

A healthy relationship with money is important in your relationship

I’ve said before that there is perhaps nothing that you can do that will have a more beneficial impact on your finances than getting on the same page as your partner.

In this post, Selenid and I even share 7 steps to get started doing this.

So needless to say, we were super excited to share ur thoughts on this and also to learn from Kate.

Breaking down our healthy relationship with money

healthy relationship money

Each episode of Medicine, Marriage and Money, deftly covers each of these broad topics. Our episode was no different. So let’s break down what you will learn:



  • Meeting someone who pushes and challenges the other person
  • When I took an interest in what she loved
  • How we act afterwards as each other accountability partners


  • The evolution away from a fearful relationship with finances
  • The realization we were spending their paychecks each month 
  • Selenid’s original thoughts about real estate investing 
  • The smartest financial decision we ever made


This is a bonus that Kate pulled from our episode! We all love mindset!

  • Why are you telling yourself that story?
  • The TWO steps of any big adventure
  • Embracing your fears

Here are some of the take home points on having a healthy money relationship as identified by Kate:

  1. When it comes to you and your spouse, do not hesitate to prioritize each other’s goals and passions! It will only strengthen your marriage.
  2. When your spouse comes to you with what you think is a crazy idea (i.e. investing in RE or running an Airbnb in your own home), do you say “Are you crazy” or do you say “Tell me more”. (Jordan and Selenid suggest trying out the latter for loving reasons:) Try it out, friends. Get curious. Unless you are wanting severe consequences, go ahead and get curious before crushing dreams and killing the sparks. 
  3. Having 1, 5, and 10-year goals helps your marriage and your mindset. MINDSET is SO IMPORTANT. Why are you telling yourself that story?? Remember, this is not a natural question for most of us…so please please work on asking yourself this question daily…about all your thoughts!!! I promise. This will be a game-changer. 

Here are the thoughts that we would all love to leave you thinking about after listening to the episode:

  • What type of relationship do I have with my paycheck?
  • Do I prioritize my spouse’s interests and passions as much as my own or more?
  • Do I believe having or wanting money makes me selfish?
  • Am I doing things I think I cannot do??? If not, when can I start?
  • What is the smartest financial decision I plan to make this year?

Again, here is the link to our episode for you to take a listen! And please check out all of the other amazing episodes of Medicine, Marriage, and Money and give it a “like” if you enjoy it!

What do you think? Do you and your partner have a healthy relationship with money? What can you do to improve it? Do you think it needs to be improved? Let us know in the comments below!

For those interested, here are some of the links mentioned in the episode as well as both of our social media handles!



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    The Prudent Plastic Surgeon

    Jordan Frey MD, a plastic surgeon in Buffalo, NY, is one of the fastest-growing physician finance bloggers in the world. See how he went from financially clueless to increasing his net worth by $1M in 1 year and how you can do the same! Feel free to send Jordan a message at [email protected].

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