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How to Successfully Manage Finances, Family, and Career

Want to know how to successfully manage finances, family, and career? Look no further! This post has all the answers!

Juuuuussssttttt kidding…

I don’t think this is even a realistic goal to attain. But it is a goal to work towards. I mean…look where I started

student loan refinance

But most people go about this the wrong way

Most people chase “balance.” The balance to successfully manage finances, family, career, and more.

But balance is a myth.

We never can achieve true balance with every part of our lives. Instead, balance needs a counterbalance. At certain points of our lives, some aspects will be more in or out of balance.

What we need to do is not recalibrate everything back to perfect balance. Instead, other parts of our lives have to serve as the counterbalance during that point.


Busy at work (as long as you’re doing something to reach your One Thing!)? Then maybe your extracurricular hobbies need to counterbalance this by easing off of them.

Some aspects like family should stay constant. But others not so much.

Anyway, here’s why I’m actually talking about this

I recently was a guest of the podcast of Christopher Loo.

We talked about a lot of stuff. But taking a step back and looking at our conversation, it was about balance and counterbalance.

That’s how I (successfully?) manage the aspects of my life like finances, family, and career.

That’s my strategy, the secret sauce. But I don’t have it figured out. This is just a tool and mindset that I have found really helpful…

So give it a try! See how it works. If you like it, great! Use it. If not, chuck it. Just like anything else on this blog!

Here’s my guest spot on the Financial Freedom for Physicians podcast

Christopher and I touch on a lot of fun and interesting points in our chat:

In Chris’ own words…

We discuss managing a successful clinical career as a plastic surgeon, balancing family, and the importance of having a solid financial plan in today’s uncertain economy. We discuss the importance of having a financial plan, budgeting, maintaining a high-savings rate, investing in low-cost index funds, investing in real estate for passive income, avoiding lifestyle “creep”, and avoiding the “hedonic treadmill” in a consumerist-based culture.

There, maybe that was a more eloquent summary!

manage finances
Balance…and counterbalance

What do you think? How do you manage all of the aspects of your life? Have you been successful? Could balance-counterbalance help? Let me know in the comments below!

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    The Prudent Plastic Surgeon

    Jordan Frey MD, a plastic surgeon in Buffalo, NY, is one of the fastest-growing physician finance bloggers in the world. See how he went from financially clueless to increasing his net worth by $1M in 1 year and how you can do the same! Feel free to send Jordan a message at [email protected].

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