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Sorta Random Sunday: The Best & Easiest Pancake Recipe Ever

As you may know, here at The Prudent Plastic Surgeon, every week, I’m making a post called Sorta Random Sunday. These posts are about…well, anything. And today’s is about a pancake recipe.

Ok, before I get into it, real credit for this goes to my wife, Selenid. She somehow stumbled upon/crafted this recipe as some kind of pancake mad scientist for our kids. And the kids absolutely LOVE them!

We used to make them all the time when Samuel was little. But even recently, at 5 years old, he’s become re-obsessed with these and eats them to dinner about 2x each week the past few weeks.

pancake recipe

But, these pancakes are for anyone! We usually make a few extra for ourselves or just steal for our kids (just kidding…kind of…don’t judge me…)

So, throwing point #1 out there…these pancakes are delicious.

But, point #2 is that they are so easy to make. Even for a total non-cook like myself.

I understand that most of you are shaking your heads at me saying that pancakes in general aren’t hard to make. Whatever. They always seemed annoying to me. So many times I have just settled for cereal because I didn’t wanna bother with the whole process. Not the case with this pancake recipe!

Ok, here’s the pancake recipe!


  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Whole Banana
  • Blueberries, if desired
  • Chocolate chips, if desired (but really, c’mon…add the chocolate chips. YOLO.)

That’s right, that is all you need! No flour. No annoying mix. Nothin’ else.

Ok so now, the steps:

  • Mash banana in a bowl
  • Add egg to the bowl and mix it all together real nice
  • Add blueberries and/or chocolate chips (seriously….YOLO)
  • Mix it up just a bit more
  • Heat up a pan with maybe some oil or some of that spray stuff. Or just go with nothing if you’re brave.
  • Heat each side maybe 3-4 minutes. I don’t really keep track. When the bottom starts to get brownish, then flip it. (Expert hint: if it doesn’t flip easily, it’s not ready)
  • Eat and just savor the deliciousness

You can add syrup, butter, fruit on top or whatever else you like. But you honestly don’t even need it. They are intrinsically delicious.

So enjoy!

And now you can’t say I never share anything useful! I hope this recipe makes reading my financial ruminations worth it!

And if you are looking for one of my favorite recent posts, here it is: How Much Do You Need to Save for a $5 Million Nest Egg?

Let me and Selenid know what you think about the recipe in the comments!

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    Jordan Frey MD, a plastic surgeon in Buffalo, NY, is one of the fastest-growing physician finance bloggers in the world. See how he went from financially clueless to increasing his net worth by $1M in 1 year and how you can do the same! Feel free to send Jordan a message at [email protected].

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