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PhREI Network Roundup 8-13-21

In our most recent PhREI network meeting, we decided to start weekly roundups to share new activity from across the network. This is the inaugural PhREI roundup. Enjoy!

phrei roundup

The Darwinian Doctor

Daniel Shin recently hit a bit of a speed bump in his professional life recently when he had two overnight calls within 3 days of each other. While during residency this was absolutely normal for him and me, it’s been five years since he was a resident. It really wiped him out, so he wrote a blog post about it and included some original research into which specialties seem to hate call the most. Did plastic surgeons make it? Check it out!

5 Types of Doctors That Hate Call The Most

Carpe Diem MD

Ian Cook and Lauren Ihde recently took a well deserved family vacation to Utah and Colorado. They share some amazing pictures and their experience doing it all in a retro RV trailer in their Facebook group!

The Prudent Plastic Surgeon

Regardless of career or walk of life, the path to wealth is simple. Create, invest, and grow the margin. The margin is the difference what you make (increase your compensation) and what you spend (decrease your expenses).

In a recent post, I share how to increase your compensation both clinically and non-clinically!

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      The Prudent Plastic Surgeon

      Jordan Frey MD, a plastic surgeon in Buffalo, NY, is one of the fastest-growing physician finance bloggers in the world. See how he went from financially clueless to increasing his net worth by $1M in 1 year and how you can do the same! Feel free to send Jordan a message at [email protected].

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