As you know, as part of the PhREI network, we decided to start a weekly roundup to share new activity from across the network. Enjoy!

Carpe Diem MD
Ian Cook and Lauren Ihde do a great job of explaining the line between their work as doctors and their work in real estate investing. In a lot of circles, these lines blur so it’s refreshing to see two clinical active physicians doing amazing things like these two!
We Are Physicians, Not Real Estate Agents….
The Darwinian Doctor
Daniel Shin of The Darwinian Doctor talks about his new affiliate partner, Doc2Doc Lending! He explains the many helpful resources they provide to aid your professional goals. Worth checking out in my opinion!
Doc2Doc Lending: A Solution for Physicians and Dentists
The Prudent Plastic Surgeon
You probably know by now that I’m a huge advocate of index fund investing, especially for high income earners. However, I’ve noticed that more physicians are involved with stock picking rather than index fund investing. So, here are my 5 reasons why index fund investing is BETTER than stock picking!
5 Reasons Index Fund Investing is Better Than Stock Picking
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