As you know, as part of the PhREI network, we decided to start a weekly roundup to share new activity from across the network. Enjoy!
Carpe Diem MD
Ian Cook of Carpe Diem MD and his wife, Lauren, do an amazing job explaining the line between their work as doctors and their work in real estate investing. These lines typically tend to blur, so it’s refreshing to see two clinical active physicians doing great things like these two!
We Are Physicians, Not Real Estate Agents…
The Darwinian Doctor
Daniel Shin of the Darwinian Doctor recently wrote an eBook called “How to Control Your Financial Destiny” – pretty impressive! This post is all about the creative process that went into writing the eBook.
How to Control Your Financial Destiny
The Prudent Plastic Surgeon
Net worth is equal to all of your assets added up subtracted by all of your liabilities added up. Net worth is something that you want to increase everyday, so here’s 5 ways to do just that!
- Start tracking your net worth to increase it;
- Create a budget (or an anti-budget!) with a 20% savings rate (no anti-savings rate though);
- Increase your debt pay down;
- Invent wealth on the margins; and
- Increase your earnings.
5 Steps to Increase Your Net Worth Right Now