PhREI Network Roundup 12-7-23: 9 Worst Reasons to Become a Doctor

As you know, as part of the PhREI network, we decided to start a weekly roundup to share new activity from across the network. Enjoy!

phrei network

The Darwinian Doctor

Daniel Shin of the Darwinian Doctor is talking about an important topic that I think is not talked about quite enough. He is going to give us the 9 WORST reasons to become a doctor. Without further ado:

  1. The money;
  2. Family pressure;
  3. Status;
  4. The glamor of medicine;
  5. Your ego;
  6. Grateful patients;
  7. The love of science;
  8. Because you’re smart; and
  9. Career longevity.

For each point, he goes into detail about why that’s not a good reason!

9 Worst Reasons to Become a Doctor

The Prudent Plastic Surgeon

There is a lot of misrepresentation in the world of real estate investing – especially when it involves physicians. Because of these misrepresentations, a lot of physicians are turned off to the idea. My point here is that the tortoise beats the hare when it comes to real estate investing… and let me explain why!

Real Estate Investing: Why the Tortoise Beats the Hare

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The Prudent Plastic Surgeon

Jordan Frey MD, a plastic surgeon in Buffalo, NY, is one of the fastest-growing physician finance bloggers in the world. See how he went from financially clueless to increasing his net worth by $1M in 1 year  and how you can do the same! Feel free to send Jordan a message at [email protected].

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