As you know, as part of the PhREI network, we decided to start a weekly roundup to share new activity from across the network. Enjoy!

Carpe Diem MD
Ian Cook of CarpeDiem MD explains how comparison is good for nothing, and is essentially the death of joy in many aspects. He notes that comparing yourself, and your progress, to others is simply a waste of time. Read more to figure out exactly why that is!
Comparison…. What Is It Good For?
The Darwinian Doctor
Daniel Shin of the Darwinian Doctor explains FUTA. What is FUTA? The Federal Unemployment Tax Act. Daniel talks all about how this started our federal unemployment insurance system!
What Does FUTA Stand For In Payroll?
The Prudent Plastic Surgeon
Recently, one reader emailed asking me about ways to buy real estate without debt as an investment which was a GREAT question! Here are three ways:
- Buy real estate “straight cash homie”;
- Invest in syndications/real estate funds; and
- Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Top Three Ways to Buy Real Estate Without Debt
One Response
Happy new year Jordan, Selenid, and Rikki! Thanks for all the support and personal finance tips in 2021