As the PhREI network, we decided to start a weekly roundup to share new activity from across the network. Enjoy!
Carpe Diem MD
Ian Cook of CarpeDiem MD explains how to improve your Airbnb ranking and reach Super Host status. He suggests buying the Your Porter application which allows you to send automatic updates/messages to the people you are hosting. You can even customize your messages so they seem more personal. He points out that communicating with and treating your guests like friends staying over will result in good reviews and help you reach Super Host status quickly.
The Best Way to Improve Your Airbnb Ranking and Reach Super Host Status
The Darwinian Doctor
Daniel Shin of the Darwinian Doctor gives you three simple steps to automate your finances. These steps are to: 1) set up direct deposit for your paycheck, 2) set automatic transfers to your saving and investing accounts and 3) autopay all your recurring expenses. Don’t worry, he explains each step as well!
3 Simple Steps to Automate Your Finances
The Prudent Plastic Surgeon
I realized it had been far too long since I’ve given our net worth update so here it is – our net worth increased from -$412,000 in June 2020 to +$410,000 in September 2021! The biggest thing I want to point out is that if we can do it, so can you! I’ll take you through exactly how we got to this point and give out some helpful tips!
Net Worth Update: From -$400k to +$400K in 14 Months