As you know, as part of the PhREI network, we decided to start a weekly roundup to share new activity from across the network. Enjoy!
The Darwinian Doctor
Daniel Shin of The Darwinian Doctor is giving us the insider details….
He’s providing us with a case study of one of his apartment buildings in Indianapolis. He goes over the annual cash flow, total financial impact of ownership, and more. Like most of his posts, he is completely transparent here. Take a look!
A Transparent Case Study of My Indy Apartment Building
The Prudent Plastic Surgeon
You probably know by now that I’m a major advocate for physician side gigs and passive income. You might ask yourself, how do you find a side hustle that’s right for you? There are so many options out there, it can seem overwhelming. Lucky for you, I’m here to help! Today, we’re going to talk about how to figure out the right physician side hustle for you.
How to Figure Out the Right Physician Side Hustle For You
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