As the PhREI network, we decided to start a weekly roundup to share new activity from across the network. Enjoy!

Carpe Diem MD
Ian Cook of Carpe Diem MD compares, in detail, Ring products to Google Nest products. He gives descriptive details on many of the products, and gives his opinion as well – spoiler alert: he prefers Ring!
Ring vs Nest for Your Short-Term Rental Property
The Darwinian Doctor
Daniel Shin of Darwinian Doctor explains SBLOC in some serious detail and shares his personal experience. He needs a low interest, highly flexible line of credit that avoids the tax implications of selling stocks, so SBLOC is an ideal solution for him – read more to find out why!
Security Blocked Line of Credit (SBLOC): Never Sell Stocks Again
The Prudent Plastic Surgeon
The post I’m covering here is a little more philosophical than most posts that I write. I find myself often using the metaphor of a marathon to explain what we are doing with physician finances. There are parts of a marathon, right? The race itself and the finish line. Let’s discuss each of these in terms of physician finances! I promise it’ll make sense – trust me.
Physician Finances: The Race vs. The Finish Line