I’ve got news for ya. And long time readers of the blog will not be surprised here. But you will always find spelling errors in pretty much all of my posts. And, to be honest, I’m not planning to do anything about it – kind of.
Here’s a recent post of mine…
It’s 6 Reasons Doctors Should Save and Invest for Yourself Before Your Kids. A pretty interesting one if I don’t say so myself.
But, let’s take a look at the first paragraph below:

Read it? Take a moment to read it again. There are two major spelling errors…just in the first paragraph!
First, I write “And my easer [should be “answer”] is always the same.” Next, “Every [should be “even”] as high income earners…”
Now, I have gone back and corrected those errors. But you will also notice that I am writing this in March 2024. And that post was published in November 2023. So, it did take me almost a year to realize…egg, meet face.
And let me end the suspense, this is not a one-time issue!
Why do I have so many spelling errors?!
It’s actually a pretty simple answer. I don’t actually proofread any of my posts. I just write them and then off they go to be scheduled and published!
This is very much a conscious effort. And the end result is some (I think) awesome content with some (objectively) overt spelling errors.
However, there is a method to this madness. And the answer is that I am a perfectionist. Type A. Like many doctors.
And I know myself. If I set out to write the perfect blog post with no spelling errors or mistakes or run on sentences, I would do it. And boy would I do it well. The problem however is that it would take me many hours extra to write and finish those posts. I likely would struggle to find the time.
And to be honest, and more importantly, I wouldn’t enjoy writing them as much as I do now.
So, I made a very intentional decision early on in this blog that I would not proofread
My thoughts and analyses and philosophies related to doctors and financial well-being are raw, authentic, and unfiltered.
And that is really what I set out to do with this blog in the first place.
Maybe some readers will stop following because of the spelling errors. But I hope not! Most feedback has been that it gives people a chuckle and maybe even makes it feel more authentic. Or that it affirms that I really am the one writing all of this stuff, not some AI or ghost writer (yeah…it’s out there).
A small favor
I am however constantly working to improve my tying so that less or these primary errors occur.
And, if you notice one, send me an email ([email protected]) and let me know. I never mind and it actually will help me go back and fix anything!
(Oh yeah…I can promise that my book Money Matters in Medicine has no spelling errors and has been proofread many, many times!)
What do you think? Have you noticed any spelling errors in my posts? What do you think of my writing methods? Let me know in the comments below!
4 Responses
The article you referenced was shortly after I offered to help. It drove me nuts. I seriously considered unfollowing, but here I am. I guess that says something about your content!
šš and Iām so glad you still are here!
Found a third error–“no where” is one word…”nowhere.”