Sorta Random Sunday: Analyzing My Personality Test Results

I’ve talked before about how much I love the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. I read it over a year ago at this point. And when I finished the book I made a note to myself to take one of the personality tests that Clear recommends. And then I forgot about it. Until yesterday…when I just took the Hexaco Personality Inventory. So, let’s take a look at my personality test results!

About the Hexaco Personality Test

This personality test was designed by Kibeom Lee, Ph.D. and Michael C. Ashton, Ph.D. Based on their site, they “began construction of the HEXACO Personality Inventory in the year 2000. Our aim was to assess the six personality dimensions found in lexical studies of personality structure as conducted in various languages, and also to reflect our theoretical interpretations of those factors. By 2002, we were using a provisional 108-item self-report version of this inventory in our research. The six scales each contained 18 items that spanned a wide array of content, but were not divided into “facet”-level subscales assessing distinct narrow traits.”

After this initial development, they added two more components: Altruism versus Antagonism and Negative Self-Evaluation.

Lastly, they revised the inventory. “Two changes differentiate the HEXACO-PI-R from the previous HEXACO-PI. First, one of the facet scales within the Extraversion factor was replaced: specifically, the HEXACO-PI Expressiveness facet has been deleted, and a new facet called Social Self-Esteem has been added. Second, the interstitial scale of Negative Self-Evaluation, described above, has also been removed.”

So there you have it.

Now let’s get into my results…

Analyzing my personality test results

Here is how things came out…

personality test results

Here are my main takeaways!

  • I think this was a pretty fair assessment. I tried to be brutally honest in my answers and not answer how I thought “they” wanted me to.
  • In the Honest-Humility category was my biggest surprise. It surprised me that my modesty was pretty low in the 10% range. I always think of myself as pretty modest. This may be because I do have a lot of self confidence. But outwardly I think I am modest. But maybe I am wrong!
  • In Emotionality, I feel that this is on point. I have a healthy dose of fear and anxiety but not too much. I don’t think I am overly dependent but after over 10 years together with Selenid we are dependent on each other!
  • And for Agreeableness, I am a forgiving person.People usually;y don’t say I am patient. And I don’t think I am when it comes to completing tasks. I value efficiency. But I think I am patient with other people and in my judgments of them. Maybe that is what this means?
  • For Conscientiousness, I am very organized and diligent. And funny enough, I score high on prudence…so my blog moniker fits!
  • In Openness, I guess it’s good that my aesthetic appreciation is above average as a plastic surgeon. However, from the questions they mainly seemed to ask about material items which I don’t value as much. And my creativity is a fair assessment. It’s something I should foster more…

What did I learn from this?

Overall, this was a fun and I think helpful experience. The main advantage in my mind is that it made me be more introspective. As I looked through each personality domain, it was a good exercise to think about how I honestly judge myself in each category and then see what the scores showed.

Did they align or not? Did I like what it showed? What could I work on?

I believe that personality is dynamic. But it’s like exercising a muscle, it takes a lot of work and attention.

Overall, I recommend taking one of these personality tests and seeing what you think!

In the meantime, here are some other fun personality related posts:

What do you think? Have you ever taken a personality test and what were the results? Do you think it is accurate or a worthwhile exercise? Let me know in the comments below!

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Jordan Frey MD, a plastic surgeon in Buffalo, NY, is one of the fastest-growing physician finance bloggers in the world. See how he went from financially clueless to increasing his net worth by $1M in 1 year Ā and how you can do the same! Feel free to send Jordan a message at [email protected].

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