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Sorta Random Sunday: My Experience with Intermittent Fasting

In November 2024, I started an experiment with intermittent fasting. Actually, putting it like that makes it seem like more than it is. I basically just decided to give intermittent fasting a try. And here, I’d like to share my thoughts and experience.

intermittent fasting

Why did I start intermittent fasting?

Basically there were two main reasons.

First, in the past 5 years I’ve gained about 17 pounds. And I’ve been pretty steady at this new weight. This increase coincided with my graduation from residency and moving from New York City to Buffalo. This is important because as a result of that transition I,

  • Had more money to eat better which led to some unhealthy eating habits
  • Stopped walking everywhere which was just a necessity in New York City whereas in Buffalo you have to drive to get places

I never really exercised formally in New York City nor do I in Buffalo. In fact, just last week in Sorta Random Sunday I talked about how I strategically underperform when it comes to exercise.

So, for me, I needed to focus on eating better. I was eating too much. Especially snacking too much and eating all of the kids’ leftovers (stupid kids…). Intermittent fasting gave me a strict framework to prevent overeating.

So that is reason #1.

The second reason is more simple. My dad is battling prostate cancer. That means I am at higher risk. And one thing that has been shown to decrease risk or prostate cancer and its spread is intermittent fasting. So that can’t hurt.

How I am doing intermittent fasting

From my very minimal research on the topic, there seem to be a ton of different ways to do intermittent fasting.

Not surprisingly, I wanted to pick one that was very simple. That way it would be easy to follow and implement – a prerequisite for any strategy that would work for me in my hectic daily life.

So, I choose the following strategy:

  • I eat between the hours of 12PM and 8PM. Otherwise I fast.

I also try to limit snacking, fried foods, and sweets (ideally 1 sweet a day). Those are my own additions. But they are not hard and fast to be honest.

Otherwise, during those 8 hours I eat relatively what I want with a tilt towards trying to be healthy.

I also weigh myself each morning for immediate feedback.

How it’s going

Ok again at the time of this writing I’ve only been at this for 2.5-3 weeks. But I am down 5 pounds. Which I am really happy about!

To be honest though, I have gotten down even more in the past. But usually by more extreme and restrictive means. Such as no sweets or only eating protein bars for lunch, things like that.

The problem with those approaches however is that they weren’t sustainable for me. I have a sweet tooth. There are certain foods I know are not healthy but occasionally enjoy. Being too restrictive eventually got me frustrated and led to relapse.

But, at least so far, intermittent fasting this way has been and feels very sustainable. The weight loss has been slow but steady. But this experiment also encompassed Thanksgiving week. And let me tell you I still went all out for Thanksgiving dinner and leftovers the next day. But I still lost weight overall!

Moving forward…

Intermittent fasting actually works pretty well with my schedule. Most mornings I am operating anyway which makes the time go quick. Then I have a nice lunch and dinner and am good for the day.

Actually, the toughest part is that I love cereal. I used to have it for breakfast every morning. So I miss that although I do still fit it in for lunch or dinner every once in awhile!

So, I plan to keep going with this long term. It’s a simple habit that yields bit results. In that way it’s really similar to personal finance actually!

Don’t believe me? The check out these posts:

What do you think? What are your health related goals? Have you tired intermittent fasting? What was your experience? Let me know in the comments below!

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    The Prudent Plastic Surgeon

    Jordan Frey MD, a plastic surgeon in Buffalo, NY, is one of the fastest-growing physician finance bloggers in the world. See how he went from financially clueless to increasing his net worth by $1M in 1 year and how you can do the same! Feel free to send Jordan a message at [email protected].

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